Great read! Is there an argument that if the original NFT project gets royalties on every subsequent re-sale or transfer, then there is sufficient consideration moving from the buyer to the NFT project?

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Duh, 3rd party beneficiary!

Why does the trust need to be perpetual if copyright isn't perpetual?

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How might I reach you ser, to briefly discuss my personal NFT tax situation in order for you to recommend a proficient Accountant. Based on this post, I'll trustlessly trust whomever you recmnd.

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Mar 13, 2022·edited Mar 13, 2022

Great Read. Not many people are talking about these fundamental issues as everyone is focusing purely on monetization. Another solution is Remaster; decentralized t&c as a service. This allows for on-chain dynamic licensing/ flexible legal rights transfers🙌🙌

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This is excellent. Can you specify the exact IP you mean when you say IP? Is it copyright?

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